News and Insights

News and Insights2023-07-05T01:14:14+02:00

New Due Diligence Directive or CSDD: what impact for small, medium-sized and large companies?

By |11 April 2024|Insights, Positivéco's Factsheets|

The CSDD directive aims to combat human rights violations and environmental damage caused by companies. On 15th March 2024, member states approved the final version of the Due Diligence Directive. [...]


Implementation of the new European taxonomy: What are the next steps?

By |21 February 2024|Insights, Positivéco's Factsheets|

The European taxonomy applies to companies from January 2022. It covers more than 142 economic activities and 9 sectors and will radically transform the definition of performance for companies. [...]


Unification of European non-financial reporting: what consequences for non-financial statements (DPEF in France) and access to capital markets?

By |7 February 2024|Insights|

Le changement climatique fait peser un risque systémique pour l'économie mondiale et européenne et requiert des investissements massifs. Il représente une menace pour l’atteinte des objectifs européens.  Data on [...]


New European ESG reporting standards (ESRS) and comparison with IFRS sustainability standards

By |24 January 2024|Analyses, Positivéco's Factsheets|

Companies subject to the NFRD must implement the CSRD as of 2025 for the fiscal year 2024. Companies covered by the CSRD are required to comply [...]


The new 2024 European CSR regulations for companies to watch out for.

By |10 January 2024|Positivéco's Factsheets|

What are the key new European regulations on the environment, sustainable development and CSR in 2024? Discover our overview of the 2024 European CSR regulations and the main tax, reporting, legal and [...]

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